Access to Prisoner Review Board’s Files

Access to the Prisoners Review Board’s files – for secondary victims of homicide


The Chairman of the Prisoners Review Board (the Board), His Honour Judge Robert Cock QC, has requested I write to you to advise of a new approach adopted with regard to allowing access to the Board’s files.

In an effort to assist secondary victims better understand the reasons supporting the release of an offender to parole, the Chairman acknowledges that the Board can do more by way of providing access to relevant information.

Accordingly, consistent with the practice of similar Boards in some other Australian jurisdictions, upon request, the Chairman will allow the secondary victims to view the Board’s file and read the assessments and various reports regarding the specific matter, including reports form psychologists, prison assessment officers, victim- based agencies, Community Corrections Officers and others. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The Chairman has informed that this new approach is intended to apply only to secondary victims of homicide, but may, in due course, be extended to other victims.

I would appreciate your assistance in providing advice of this new approach to your members and other victims or victim’s agencies who may have an interest in this development.


Please feel free to contact us should you require any further information.

Alan Stuart
